The Proposal
The potential sites at Hatton
The proposal from the original Call For Sites exercise was for a new settlement of 4,500 houses on the majority of the Arkwright Estate.
In order to make a new settlement viable (around 6,000 houses), Warwick District Council decided to combine this with other land at Hatton which was put forward under the previous Call for Sites. This would enable the creation of a settlement of at least 8,000 houses. This is now referred to as B1.
In addition to B1 a Strategic growth site at Stanks Island, which is marked SG07, is earmarked for commercial development although there might be further housing. Note that if one of these sites becomes a preferred option the other one is also likely to happen.
Together the two sites are the equivalent in size to 884 Wembley sized football pitches! Imagine the impact the developments would have on the area!

A more detailed graphic of B1:

In addition to B1 and SG07 a number of smaller developments are likely to be needed. More information
Suitability of Hatton
The two Councils have identified and assessed 12 possible new settlement sites. Not all of these will be needed to accommodate the area's housing target.
At the moment, the Hatton site (B1) is one of four considered "More Suitable". This could change. For example, no traffic modelling has been undertaken and more land at other sites could be put forward as part of the current Call for Sites.

To understand why Hatton has become one of the more suitable sites:
As part of the Local Plan Process, the Councils have produced a Preferred Options Consultation document and are inviting us to give our views on the suitability of the potential sites.
There are many supporting reports - the Technical Evidence - which are on the same website. These are far from complete but the following are worth reading:
New Settlement Assessment (as at Preferred Options)
Strategic Transport and Education Assessment of New Settlement Options, Warwickshire County Council, October, 2024.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Part 1)
You can explore all the potential new settlements and Strategic Growth Sites in the interactive map.
Not all of the potential sites will be required so it is vital that residents respond to the consultation and argue against B1 and SG07 being selected as preferred options.
The impact of such a large development

Population growth of around 18,000
Increase in cars of around 10,000
If SG07 goes ahead, significant increase in lorries and commercial vehicles
Permanent loss of 1,415 acres of Green Belt farmland. That is the equivalent of 884 Wembley football pitches.
2 new secondary schools
4-6 new primary schools
Health and leisure facilities
A comprehensive - and very expensive - programme of road and junction upgrades in the surrounding area
An equally wide-ranging programme of railway upgrades
This is what happens when the countryside is lost to housing.