Guidelines for writing an objection letter
Site: 153, Hatton New Community, or Hatton Villages
Practical Considerations:
Write your objections in a Word document so that you can copy and paste it in the future.
Send your objections to councillors (see the bottom of the guidelines)
You need to put your name, address, email and the date that you have sent the document.
What Should I Write About?
When writing an objection to a planning application or in this case, an Allocation Proposal, which has been brought forward through the council’s Second Call for Sites you should include several key points to ensure that your objection is well-founded and likely to be taken seriously. You must also write it as an individual not as a couple or group. Below are SUGGESTIONS!
Objection 1
Identify the Site and Your Relationship to it.
Mention the reference number, site address (see above), and give a general overview of your views.
For example: “My involvement with this area is …”
This all about your personal views and opinions. You might be writing here about your interest in the proposal because:
You’re a resident
A local stable owner who rides the area regularly
A walker whose enjoyment of the area will be spoiled
A disabled person whose ability to move around the area safely will be significantly negatively impacted
Have a keen interest in the ecology of the area
How the area contributes to your positive well-being currently
Let the reader know how you feel about this proposal.
Objection 2
Choose particular things that concern you
For example: “I feel strongly about this because …” or “The particular concerns I have about this are …”
You would begin to refer to documents to support your views ie: hard evidence. Use the Turley Allocation Proposal and the South Warwickshire Local Plan as starting points. These are on the Keep Hatton Station Rural (KHSR) Website (click on “Development” and then “More about the proposed plans”). Look at other documents on the Warwick D C Website. Base your objections on planning grounds rather than personal opinion.
Areas to consider:
Impact on local environment – development out of keeping with local character, proven housing need, heritage and conservation matters
Traffic and Access – increase of traffic, congestion, traffic flow, statistics, parking, pedestrian safety, poor public transport – trains, or buses.
Infrastructure & Services – overburdening of local services eg: schools, doctors, hospital, employment opportunities
Utilities – potential issues with water, sewerage, electricity or broadband provision
Residential Amenity – noise and disturbance, privacy and overlooking, light pollution
Environmental Impact – ecology and wildlife, habitat damage and biodiversity, current green space and tree preservation
Policy and Legislation – local development plan, National Planning Policy Framework (
Supporting evidence – expert opinions, reports
Recap your main objections for the proposal, “I believe these objections are important because …”
Make a polite request that planners and councillors refuse the Allocation Proposal from Turley, based on the reasons you’ve provided.
Remember! planners want clear and concise documents to read and so do councillors.
Who do I Send My Objections to?
Kyn Aizlewood
David Armstrong
Richard Hales
Chris King
Peter Phillips
Jan Matecki
Shrewley Parish Council (Clerk) (Chair)
Hatton Parish Council (Clerk)
Can you help?
Share this information with your neighbours and friends.
Do you have knowledge or experience with any of the areas below? We are looking for volunteers who can help with:
Severn Trent Water
Email us via the button below with your name and phone number and we’ll add you to our WhatsApp group. We will continue to update you via email with regular newsletters.